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CDManager V1.03 for Windows 3.x
Users manual
(Engelsk / English)
1.1 What are cdm
1.2 In the future
1.3 History
1.4 Distrubution , Copyright and how to register
1.5 Archive contents
1.6 How to get in touch with the programmer
1.7 Installation
2.1 Menus
2.2 Speedbuttons
2.3 The statusbar
1.1 What are cdm
CDManager are a databaseprogram that are used to store information about CD's , like songname ,
groupname , songcategory and if the record are out on loan. You can enter as many records as you like
in the database and as many songs as you like in each record.
The only thing that limits the amount of records in the database are ,the memory and harddisk space in
your machine. CDManager works with so called linked lists , who are based on the recordcode. If you are
viewing the record with code ' 000 ' , then cdm displays the songs and loaninformation that has code ' 000
'. I wrote CDManager because i needed an easy to use but yet powerful database to store my CD's in.
I hope that you will find this program useful.
1.2 In the future
I am going to release upgrades as frequent as possible and i will listen to your (the users) ideas and try to
please you , within limits.
1.3 History
For a complete history and the latest news , turn your browser to http://home1.swipnet.se/~w-16023
1.4 Distrubution , Copyright and how to register
CDManager are written by and copyrighted to Peter Johansson. The author shall not be held
responsible for any damages, whether they be direct, indirect, consequential, or coincidental that
may arise from the use of this software.
The author leaves no warranties. You installs and uses this software AT YOUR OWN RISK.
How to register
CDManager are Shareware , therefor you must register as a user and pay a fee to continue using this
software after a period of 30 days. The unregistered copy of cdm allows only 11 records. The fee are 40
SKR or 10 US$ (Exchange included) cash only please. When you have registered , you will reseave a
disk containing the registered copy that will allow as many records as you like. If you decide to register as
a user , send the REGISTRATIONFORM and the MONEY in an envelope to me , my address is listed
under section 1.6 in this document.
You may distrubute the UNREGISTERED copy of cdm as you like ,provided that the archive is intact and
no files are modified,added or removed.
The REGISTERED copy of this archive may NOT under any circumstance be distrubuted.
1.5 Archive contents
This archive contains the following files.
Filename Deskription
BIDS45.DLL Borland DLL
BWCC.DLL Borland control library
OWL250.DLL Borland DLL
CDM.EXE CDManager programfile
MAN_SWE Users manual (Swedish)
MAN_ENG Users manual (English)
REG_ENG Registrationform (English)
REG_SWE Registrationform (Swedish)
FILE_ID.DIZ A short description.
1.6 How to get in touch with the programmer
If you have questions , bugreports or ideas so please contact me. If you have access to e-mail please use
it, but you can ofcourse use the postaddress if you like or step into my homepage on the internet, where
you can download the latest betaversion or unregistered version.
When you register you must use the postaddress beacuse it's hard to send money in an e-mail (for now ,
anyway). Here are my adresses.
postaddress : Peter Johansson
Kr÷nikegatan 11c
703 72 ╓rebro
E-mail : peter.johansson@mbox9.swipnet.se
Internet : http://home1.swipnet.se/~w-16023
1.7 Installation
Installing cdmanager are very easy , follow these steps.
1. Create a directory called 'cdm' (or what you want it to be)
2. Unzip the archive into that directory.
3. Make a icon in the desktop (see windows manual for details).
Thats it...
2.1 Menus
This opens a file dialogbox where you choose which file to load. Choose a filename and press 'OK' , or
press 'Cancel'.
When you choose this function cdm saves your work with the filename that are displayed in the statusbar
at the bottom of the screen. If you don't have any filename selected cdm opens the saveas dialogbox and
you can choose a filename.
Save as
This opens the saveas dialogbox , you use this dialogbox to select path and filename for your datafile.
Choose a filename and press 'OK' , or press 'Cancel'.
When you choose this function cdm opens the dialogbox 'Printout Control'. Here you can choose to print
out a list over all records in the database or you can print out the information about the record that are
currently displayed. If you want the list then you choose 'List of all records' or if you want a printout of the
current record choose 'This Record' and press 'OK'. Choose 'Cancel' if you don't want any printout.
The field 'Lines on page' are used to set the number of lines on one page. The default value are set to
(50) for the list and (20) for the record, these defaults are used on a standard A4. In the record printout
are only the songs counted (one song = one line) and in the list printout ,everything counts but the
Exits the program and saves your work.
New Record
This menuitem opens the dialogbox 'New Record' , where you enter information about the new record you
wish to add to the database. If the recordcode you choose allready exists ,then cdm displays a
errormessage. The record that exist will not be changed.
If you leave a field empty , then cdm sets the text 'NoName' in that field. The recordcode you choose can
not be changed later. TIP!! If you use only numbers as recordcode , enter a zero (0) before the number.
The code 10 would be 010 , and the code 1 would be 001.
Then cdm sorts the data in a better way.
Delete Record
This opens a requester that asks if you really want to delete ' THIS ' record. ' THIS ' is the record that you
are currently viewing , choose 'Yes' if you want to delete this record or choose 'Cancel' to abort. When
you delete a record all songs and loan-information that belongs to this record will also be deleted.
Edit Record
Opens the dialogbox 'Edit record information' , here you can change any information about this record .
You can't change the recordcode. If you leave a field empty cdm sets the text 'NoName' in that field.
New Song
Opens the dialogbox 'New song' , here you enter information about a new song. The songnumber are set
automatically and increases with every song that you enter for this record. If you leave a field empty cdm
sets the text 'NoName' in that field.
Delete Song
Opens the dialogbox 'Work with song-Delete' and displays how many songs this record have. To delete a
song choose a song number and press 'Ok' . If you don't want to delete any song press 'Cancel'.
Edit Song
Opens the dialogbox 'Work with song-Edit' and displays how many songs this record have. To edit a song
choose a song number and press 'Ok'. Then the dialogbox 'Song/Group data' opens and you can change
the information in that song. If you leave a field empty cdm sets the text 'NoName' in that field.
Sort by code
Sorts the records by Recordcode (default)
Sort by recordtitel
Sorts the records by Recordtitel.
Sort by company
Sorts the records by Company
Sort by producer
Sorts the records by Producer
Sort by year
Sorts the records by Year
This menuitem opens the dialogbox 'Search'. Enter a searchword and set the searchoptions ,one of the
options must be tagged. Press 'Search' and the search begins ,when finnished cdm displays a dialogbox
with information about the number of matches found or if no match is found the text 'Found no match in
database' are displayed. If there are any matches cdm opens a list displaying the found string and the
recordcode the string belongs to. If cdm found more than 10 matches then you use the menuitems 'Next
10 songs' or 'Prev 10 songs' in the menu ' View' to change page. You can view the searchresult again by
choosing 'View-Searchreslut'.
First Record
Displays the first record in the database.
Previous record
Displays the previous record in the database.
Next record
Displays the next record in the database.
Next 10 songs
Displays next 10 songs or the searchreslut depending on screenmode. If you have the screenmode
'Record data' or 'Songlist' then cdm displays songs and if the screenmode are set to 'Searchresult' then
cdm displays searchreslut.
Prev 10 songs
Displays the previous 10 songs or the searchreslut depending on screenmode. If you have the
screenmode 'Record data' or 'Songlist' then cdm displays songs and if the screenmode are set to
'Searchresult' then cdm displays searchreslut.
Next match in database
When cdm has completed a search and found matches ,you use this function to display the next
searchmatch. The record that contains the match are displayed with the match in red text. To exit this
function choose 'View / Record data' , 'View / Songlist' or 'View / Searchresult.
First match in database
When cdm has completed a search and found matches ,you use this function to display the first
searchmatch. The record that contains the match are displayed with the match in red text. To exit this
function choose 'View / Record data' , 'View / Songlist' or 'View / Searchresult.
Record data
This function sets the screenmode 'Record data' and displays a record.
Songlist (sorted)
This function sets the screenmode 'Songlist' and displays a sorted list of all songs in the database and
which recordcode they belong to.
Searchresult (list)
This function set the screenmode to 'Searchresult' and displays a list containing the searchresult. If no
search has been made this functioncall has no affect.
Record out
Opens the dialogbox 'Loan Control - record out' , where you can mark this record as 'out on loan'. Enter
name and a date and press 'Ok' and the record are marked as out on loan.
Record back
Opens a requester with the question 'Mark this record as not out on loan ?'. Answer 'Yes' if you want to
mark this record as not out on loan. If you attempt to return a record that isn't out on loan , cdm returns a
2.2 Speedbuttons
Cdm has a speedbar at the top of the screen with the following functions.
The following buttons has the same function as the menuoptions
Print , New Record , Edit Record , New Song , Delete Song , Edit Song , Search , Record out ,
Record back , About or ' ? '.
The following buttons has more that one function depending on screenmode
Previous Record:
In 'Record data' displays the previous record and if you have used 'View - first match in search' then the
first searchmatch are displayed in red text.
Next Record:
In 'Record data' displays the next record and if you have used 'View - first match in search' then the next
searchmatch are displayed in red text.
Next 10 songs:
In 'Record data' and 'Songlist' displays the next 10 songs and in 'Searchresult' the next 10 matches.
Prev 10 songs:
In 'Record data' and 'Songlist' displays the previous 10 songs and in 'Searchresult' the previous 10
2.3 The statusbar
The statusbar are located in the bottom of the screen and displays information about which file that are
loaded , number of songs in the database and what the database are sorted by.
It also gives you information about some functions.
End of file...
CDManager V1.0 (C)1996 P.Johansson
E-Mail : peter.johansson@mbox9.swipnet.se
Windows are a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation